Support Tonari Gumi
Make a Donation
“O flock of heavenly cranes cover my child with your wings.”
Japanese mother's prayer
The Japanese Community Volunteers Association, also known as Tonari Gumi, is a non-profit organization that is committed to caring for, inspiring and enhancing the welfare and wellbeing of Japanese Canadians who live and work in the Metro Vancouver area. For over 50 years, Tonari Gumi volunteers have been committed to building a strong, compassionate and vibrant Japanese Canadian community. We have the ability to reach out and help those in our community who may need our support and assistance, but we need your help to do that.
Tonari Gumi provides a range of community support services, recreational programs and events for the Japanese Canadian community, which is provided by a handful of staff and over 200 volunteers. These volunteers help prepare weekly bento lunches, delivering them to individual homes and facilities, make friendly phone calls, run activities, clubs, and events for people both within and outside of the Japanese Canadian community.
While Tonari Gumi benefits from the generous grants from the federal and provincial government, municipality and foundations, we also rely heavily on donations from private individuals like you.
Your donation will help Tonari Gumi continue to expand its activities. For example:
Serve 3500 bento lunches a year
Make 1900 Telephone Buddy phone calls a year
Educate 400 participants in monthly seminars in a year
Donations also help to grow Tonari Gumi’s centre in Vancouver, providing a unique and safe space for all generations of Japanese Canadians to benefit from. You can help support that multi-generational community.
The crane has long been a symbol synonymous with Japan, having magical, caring and protective properties. We believe these are qualities that are embodied within Tonari Gumi, its community and its volunteers. With your generous donation, we can ensure that Tonari Gumi continues to help and support the Japanese Canadian community for the next 50 years.